Categories: Facebook

How to Make a Post Shareable on Facebook: Beginners Guide

Introduction to How to Make a Post Shareable on Facebook

Have you ever seen a post on your timeline that seems to belong to someone in your network but was posted by someone else? That means someone in your network shared that post.

Facebook is the world’s biggest social media site, with more than 3 billion monthly active users who frequently share photos and videos with their family and friends. In addition to sharing their photos and videos, people also share posts from others that they find entertaining or informative. However, If you are sharing content and want other users to share your content, you must first make sure that the post is shareable. This option is significant when you are a brand that leverages Facebook as a part of its social media marketing strategy.

Do you want to learn more about making a post shareable on Facebook? Follow this guide to learn more.

Why Hiding Your Post Might Be Limit Your Reach?

Keeping all your Facebook posts just for your loved ones means missing out on a broader opportunity, especially for large stuff in life. While it is OK to keep some posts private for family and friends, we all have some personal moments meant to be shared with just a select few.

Consider large events like your dream wedding or that appealing moment when you are launching your new restaurant. Sharing these moments can work wonders! It is like inviting the entire community to join in your celebration. Additionally, when your Friends share your post on their timeline, it can spread further, allowing more people to see it effortlessly.

Imagine more propel finding out about your fantastic new restaurant or more friends sending you love and congratulations for your big day.  While it is great to keep some moments private, going public on Facebook now and then can help spread happiness and thrilling news to a much bigger audience.

How Do You Make a Post Shareable on Facebook (on mobile devices)?

Making a post sharable on Facebook is a quick process. Follow the steps given below to make your Facebook post shareable.

Step 1. Open the Facebook app on your preferred mobile device and log in to your Facebook account using your user login credentials.

Step 2. Click on the Profile Picture icon from the top left corner of the screen.

Step 3. Scroll down and navigate to the post you want to make shareable.

Step 4. Click on the three-dot option from your post’s top right corner.

Step 5. A new window will appear. Click on the Edit privacy option.

Step 6. Here, in the Choose Audience section, click on Public, and below, click on the Save button.

And that’s it.

How Do You Make a Post Shareable on Facebook (on PC or Laptop)?

Enabling a post to be sharable on Facebook is a simple process. Read the quick steps given below.

Step 1. On your web browser, type and log in to your Facebook account using your login ID and password.

Step 2. From the top left-hand side of the system screen, tap on the Profile Picture icon.

Step 3. Go to the post you want to make shareable.

Step 4. From the top right corner of your Facebook post, tap on the three dots.

Step 5. A new window will pop up. Tap on the Edit audience option.

Step 6. From the select audience, click on Public, and below, hit the Save button.

And that’s it.

Why Should You Make Post Shareable on Facebook?

Some so many people want to keep their Facebook posts private on Facebook, and they adjust their sharing settings. However, if you run a business, there is a valuable reason to make posts shareable.

Let’s discuss a few of these reasons.

  • To raise local issuesIf you are involved in your community, you might want to highlight local events or issues to inform and engage other people in the area. 
  • Sharing can be entertaining Do you want to share a fun post with someone who comes across it? That is possible; once you make it public, your friends can keep sharing it.
  • To share information – Professionals in specific fields might wish to make a post shareable to spread their knowledge more widely. However, be cautious and ensure the information is 100% accurate before doing so.

What are the Best Practices for Creating Shareable Content on Facebook?

  • Include visuals—A recent study revealed that videos are shared about 90 times more than other types of Facebook content. To attract the audience’s attention, use the Facebook Live feature to share high-quality visuals like photos, videos, and engaging reel content. Incorporate Facebook stories for a more authentic and casual way to communicate with your audience.
  • Share various content – Do not just post the same content every time. Share valuable information, entertain your audience with relatable memes, or share a personal story to engage better with your audience. You can also encourage users by asking questions or creating a poll to engage with your Facebook audience.
  • Engage in comments – Engage with your audience in the comment section. You do not have to limit yourself to question-based interactions. You can boost engagement by agreeing with users,  sharing a GIF, or emojis. Staying active in the comment section encourages more participation from your audience.

How to Make a Post Shareable on Facebook: Final Words

Making your Facebook content sharable enables you to express your opinions to the people you want to target. It also helps drive more users to your Facebook profile and boost your community. Do you want to learn more about how to make a post shareable on Facebook? Then, read the entire guide.

How to Make a Post Shareable on Facebook: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)?

Let’s discuss a common question related to sharing posts on Facebook.

Question. Can we share private posts from other people on Facebook?

Answer. No, we cannot share other people’s private photos on Facebook. They might have customized their privacy setting to limit for friends or other options.

Question. Who can access my public posts?

Answer.  Everyone on the Facebook platform can see your public posts, and they can share them if they are shareable. If you want to share your post, read the steps above.

Question. Can I modify an already shared Facebook post?

Answer. You can modify a post you have already shared with your audience.

  • Go to the post that you want to make shareable.
  • Click on the three dots
  • Click on the edit privacy option.
  • Click on public, and hit the save button below.
Pankaj Jangir

Pankaj Jangir is a digital marketer, SEO expert, and entrepreneur passionate about helping businesses grow their online presence. With extensive experience in backlink building, content strategy, and SERP tracking, Pankaj Jangir specializes in crafting data-driven solutions to boost website rankings. As the founder of multiple online tools, including social media downloaders and SEO monitoring platforms, Pankaj Jangir is dedicated to creating innovative solutions that simplify digital marketing.

Published by
Pankaj Jangir

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