How Can We Temporarily Deactivate Facebook Account: Easy Steps with Images

Introduction to How Can We Temporarily Deactivate the Facebook Account

If you choose to stop using Facebook, it is easy to deactivate your account. When you deactivate your account, all your information from the platform will be hidden. No one will be able to contact you or see your shared content on Facebook, such as your photos, videos, stories, and timelines. However, if you decide to come back, you will still reactivate your Facebook account and restore your previous information.

Deactivating your account is a quick process. If you want to know how to deactivate your Facebook profile, then continue reading this guide.

What Does It Mean to Deactivate Your Facebook Account?

When you deactivate your Facebook account, it becomes unaccessible, preventing other users from viewing your profile, photos, or videos and messaging you. However, certain information, such as your name in your friend’s connection list, may still be visible to them.

If you choose to log back into your account, Facebook saves all your data, such as your posts, friend list, and videos that you shared, ensuring they remain available if you decide to reactivate your Facebook account. Additionally, if you access Messenger to stay connected with your loved ones, you can still access it even after deactivating your profile. Others will still search for your profile and send you messages.

How to Deactivate Your Facebook Account on a Mobile Phone?

Deactivating your Facebook account is a quick process; you only need to read the steps below.

facebook login mobile

Step 1. On your mobile, navigate to and open the Facebook app. Log in to your Facebook account using your username and password.

three lines settings in mobile

Step 2. From the top right-hand corner of the mobile screen, tap on three lines.

settings and privacy mobile

Step 3. A menu will appear. Tap on the Settings and privacy option.

settings option under settings and privacy in mobile

Step 4. Hit on the Settings option.

personal details meta settings facebook app

Step 5. Under the Account settings tab. Click on the Personal details option.

account ownership and control facebook app

Step 6. Click on the Account ownership and control option.

deactivation or deletion facebook app

Step 7. Now, click on the Deactivation or deletion options.

select account to deactivate or delete in app

Step 8. Choose the account that you want to deactivate.

select deactivate account option in app

Step 9. Choose Deactivate account and click on the Continue button.

re enter password in facebook app

Step 10. Enter your account password and hit the Continue button.

continue account deactivation

Step 11. Select a reason for account deactivation. And click on the Continue button below.

And that’s it: your account has been deactivated.

How to Deactivate Your Facebook Account on a PC or Laptop?

Want to deactivate your Facebook account on your laptop? Read the handful of steps given below.

facebook pc login

Step 1. On your system, go to your web browser and type Log in to your Facebook account using your login ID and password.

facebook profile icon on pc

Step 2. From the top right-hand corner of the system screen, click on the profile picture icon.

settings and privacy pc

Step 3. Click on the Settings and privacy option from the menu.

settings option under settings and privacy on pc

Step 4. Click on the Settings.

personal details option

Step 5. Click on the Personal details option from the accounts centre tab.

click on the personal details option

Step 6. Again, tap on the Personal details option.

account ownership and control

Step 7. Hit on the Account ownership and control option.

deactivation and deletion

Step 8. Click on the Deactivation and deletion options.

select facebook profile to deactivate

Step 9. Choose the Facebook profile that you want to deactivate.

deactivate account

Step 10. A new window will appear. Click on Deactivate account and click on the continue button.

enter facebook id password

Step 11. Enter your account password and click the Continue button.

select the reason and click on continue

Step 12. Choose a reason for the deactivation of your account. And hit the Continue button.

And that’s it: your Facebook profile has been deactivated.

What are the Things You Consider Before Deactivating Your Facebook Profile?

There are so many things you need to keep in mind before choosing to deactivate your Facebook account:

Deactivating your profile means removing access to your family and friends, pages, and groups. Your account will no longer be accessible to other users.

Deactivating a Facebook profile does not affect Messenger. You can still access it, and your loved one can contact you. To completely disconnect, you will need to deactivate Messenger separately or delete your account.

Deactivating your account will hide your profile, but your data will still be stored on Fakebook’s server. You can reactivate your profile whenever you want.

Even after deactivating your profile, you may continue receiving notifications and emails from Facebook unless you customize your settings.

Deactivating your account may disrupt access to apps and websites that rely on Facebook for login. Make sure you have another alternative way to log in.

What Happens When You Deactivate Your Facebook Account?

When you deactivate your account, a variety of things happen. Let’s discuss some of them.

Information is still visible to your friends:

  • Your Facebook profile name might still be visible in your friend list.
  • Your posts and comments on other friend’s profiles.
  • If you leave Facebook Messenger active when deactivating your account, you can still chat with your friends on Messenger even after you’ve deactivated your account.
  • The messages you sent to your friends before deactivating your account may still be visible.

Invisible Information:

  • If someone searches for your account, your account won’t appear to the user.
  • Your posts, timeline, photos, friend lists, and personal information in the About section are hidden from the public eye.
  • Your other friends cannot access your Facebook profile.
  • Facebook saves your account information on its servers, and you can quickly restore all your data whenever you want.

How Can We Deactivate Facebook Account: Final Words

If you want to break from Facebook, then deactivating your Facebook profile is a way to do so. Deactivation of your account is temporary, and you can log in back to your Facebook profile anytime with all your data preserved. Now, if you decide to deactivate your Facebook account, read the guide detailed guide on how to deactivate the Facebook account mentioned above.

How Can We Deactivate Facebook: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Let us understand a few frequently asked questions related to the deactivation of your Facebook account.

Question. What happens when you deactivate your Facebook account?

Answer. When you deactivate your Facebook account, your profile picture will not be visible to anyone; your name on your friend list will be hidden, but when you decide to log in back to your profile, you can easily log in to your account. You can still use Messenger if your account is dedicated.

Question. Why am I unable to deactivate my Facebook account?

Answer. You might be unable to deactivate your account if you are an admin of a page or a group assigning another admin or if a technical issue occurs.

Question. Can I access Facebook Messenger after deactivating the account?

Answer. Yes, you can use Facebook Messenger; as I mentioned above, when you deactivate your account, your Messenger is not deactivated. You can continue to use it.

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