How to Change Your Name on Facebook

Introduction to How to Change Your Name on Facebook

Your name plays a crucial role in your online identity, and having it correctly displayed on Facebook helps you to stay connected with family, friends, and colleagues. Whether you are recently married, changed your legal name, or want to use a different name. Changing the name of your Facebook account is a quick, easy, and straightforward process.

If you want to know how to change your name on Facebook, continue reading this blog post. This guide will explain how to change your name on both mobile and desktops. Let us dive into it.

What is Facebook’s Name-Changing Rule?

You are not required to use your full legal name while creating your Facebook account, but there are specific guidelines regarding the name you can and can’t use.

Facebook prefers to use the name they commonly go by in daily life. However, there are so many types of names that can not allowed on the platform, the Following:

According to the official naming policy of Facebook, users must include the names they commonly go by in everyday life for their profiles. When you sign up for an account, you will be prompted to provide the name you identify with. It can be your legal birth name or variations of your name. If your name is unusual, Facebook may ask you to submit a copy of an official identification, like a passport or driving license, to verify it.

Facebook has other guidelines for profile names. For instance, users cannot add symbols, numbers, repeating sentences, punctuation, or unusual capitalization to their profile names. While these rules seem stringent, Facebook states they are designed to protect users from imposters, online fraud, and phishing on the platform.

How Do You Change Your Name on Facebook on Your Mobile Devices?

Changing your name on Facebook using a mobile device involves several processes. Here is a step-by-step guide to changing your name.

facebook app mobile

Step 1. On your preferred mobile device, navigate to and open the Facebook application. Then, log into your account using your login credentials (ID and password).

three lines settings in mobile

Step 2. Click on the three-line icon from your mobile screen’s top right-hand corner.

settings and privacy mobile

Step 3. A dropdown menu will appear. Tap on the Settings and privacy option from the menu.

settings option under settings and privacy in mobile

Step 4. Now, click on the Settings option from the Settings and Privacy tab.

account verification settings in mobile

Step 5. From the Accounts Centre tab, click on the Verification option.

choose account in mobile

Step 6. Now, choose the account that requires a change of name.

edit name on facebook in mobile

Step 7. Tap on the Name option.

enter new name in facebook mobile app

Step 8. Here, enter your new name.

review name changes in mobile app

and hit the Review change button.

preview and save new name changes in mobile app

Step 9. Choose your preferred user name and click on the Save changes button.

How Do You Change Your Name on Facebook on Your PC or Laptop?

To change your Facebook name on a desktop or laptop, follow the steps below.

facebook pc login

Step 1. Type into your web browser, press enter, and log into your account using your user ID and password.

facebook profile icon on pc

Step 2. Click on the Profile icon from your laptop screen’s top right-hand corner.

settings and privacy pc

Step 3. A dropdown menu will appear. Tap on the Settings and privacy option from the menu.

settings option under settings and privacy on pc

Step 4. Click on the Settings option.

account verification settings in pc

Step 5. Click on the Verification option from the left-hand side of the screen.

select account in facebook pc

Step 6. Now select the account that requires a change of name.

click on name option in pc

Step 7. Click on the Name option.

enter new name in facebook pc settings

Step 8. Here, enter your desired name

review name changes in pc settings

And Hit the Review change button.

confirm name change in facebook pc

Step 9. Select your preferred user name and click on the Done button.

Why Change Your  Name on Facebook?

Today, your Facebook page can be a site of business, entertainment, and social connections. Consider changing your name on Facebook for many reasons, including security. If you are worried about being hacked, using your full name, possibly including your middle name, can help those people searching for you find the real you with your real name.

For similar reasons, you may prefer your full legal name to be accessible to all. If you have changed your name, your Facebook profile should reflect that. It is especially common when people get married. Some choose to keep their maiden name, while others update their profile with their married name.

How Do You Change Your Name on Facebook: Final Thoughts

In this guide, we have discovered how to change your name on Facebook on both mobile devices and laptops. Changing your name on Facebook is simple; following the guidelines can change your desired name. Facebook has specific name standards to maintain the authenticity of user profiles. Your name should reflect your identity, and the channel may reject changes that do not meet these naming guidelines.

If you want to change your name on Facebook, read our complete guide. We have mentioned the steps you need to follow to change your name or discussed Facebook’s naming policy, which helps you change your name without rejection.

How to Change Your Name on Facebook: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some frequently asked questions about changing your name on Facebook that can help you.

Question. Why can’t I change my name on Facebook?

Answer. If you cannot change your name on Facebook, your new name may not meet the platform’s name-changing guidelines. Additionally, Facebook will not allow you to change your name if you have modified it within 60 days or attempted too frequently. Other reasons you may be unable to alter your name are not verifying your name when requested or using a name that appears on any of the documents on the ID list.

Question. Can I use a fancy name for my Facebook name?

Answer. You can sometimes get away with it, but if your profile is locked for security reasons, you will be asked to provide an ID document. If the details do not match, your account will be permanently lost. So, if you value your Facebook account, always use your real name.

Question. Can I add multiple names on Facebook?

Answer. Facebook enables you to add one of the following names to your profile: nickname, maiden name, married name, alternate spelling, birth name, father’s name, and the name with title. All you need to do is follow the steps mentioned above in this guide. When prompted to put a new name, scroll down and hit on the manage other name option, choose the type of name, put it, choose where you would like to appear, and click on the save button.

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